

[2022-11-12] The last time I made meringues was a year ago, and these were the measurements I used. When I make it again, I will update this page if there are any changes.


1 Large Eggwhite (~40g)

50g Granulated Sugar

~1/2 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar

~1/2 cap Vanilla Essence


Preheat oven to 110°C (100°C Fan, Gas Mark 1/4)

Line baking sheet with greaseproof paper or non-stick liner.

Add the egg white, vinegar and vanilla essence to a large bowl and whisk with an electric whisk.

Once stiff peaks form, add the sugar in, one spoon at a time. Work it in slowly. One about half of the sugar is mixed in, you can begin adding it more quickly.

Once it's all mixed together scoop it out onto the baking sheet, either in a large lump or small lumps.

Bake it in the oven for 1 hour, open the door for a second to let steam out, then allow it to bake for 30 more minutes.