

Computers, etc.

Dell Workstation PC*

Found in a skip. It's got two CPUs and a bunch of RAM sticks. No HDDs and all the power cables were disconnected from the motherboard. Have not yet reconnected the power supply cables.

Acer Aspire 1360 Laptop*

Old laptop I got off ebay for likw £5, because it had a parallel port cable and I want to make art using a dot matrix printer I have.

Dell Inspiron 910 Netbook*

My mums old netbook. I've got TinyCore running on it, but without any wifi working, unfortunately. I think this would be cute to have uxn on.

If I decide to build a keyboard case for my Inkplate 10, I'm planning on either gutting the keyboard from this or buying a replacement keyboard for that. It's not the most typing-friendly, but I could probably get used to it.

Desktop from Trash

[2023-10] Found a tower in like a skip. It's a dell workstation with a Xeon CPU, 32GB RAM and a 256GB HDD, working flawlessly.


USB Barcode Reader

For some reason doesn't work on Windows. Can't remember if I've tried on Linux, but I thought it would be interesting to use it as the input to a synth. I've seen a band who do things like that.

Icarus Sense eBook Reader

Can't remember where I got this, but I don't think it's possible to

* Add extra info later.